Therapy Natters
With questions submitted by you Therapy Natters is a podcast where 2 psychotherapists can help you gain insight into your issues and try and make sense of this funny old world.
107 episodes
Intangible Goals
Some goals are difficult to measure, so this week Richard & Fiona see if we are able to turn vague aspirations into specific, measurable actions.

Big Goals
In this week's episode of Therapy Natters, Richard & Fiona explore the benefits of thinking really big when setting personal goals, even if those goals seem unrealistic at first.
Season 2
Episode 5

In this week’s episode of Therapy Natters, Richard & Fiona dive into the intriguing concept of wonder. What it means, why it matters, and how it ties into our search for meaning in life.

Mental Strength
This week on Therapy Natters we discuss the importance of tailoring personal development and therapy to individual needs, the value of understanding different perspectives, and the role of mental strength.
Season 2
Episode 3

Is Richard too old for a mosh pit?Can Fiona ever win a game of Bridge?All these questions and more in this week's Therapy Natters.
Season 2
Episode 2

It’s season 2 time!Richard & Fiona are back after a break, with an episode about the importance of using your values to get to know yourself.If you’re part of their Evolve to Thrive progr...
Season 2
Episode 1

Talking with Absent Others
This week Richard & Fiona natter with Psychotherapist Alan Patching about how to have healing and helpful conversations with people who may not even be around anymore.Contact Alan: alanpatching@me.com
Season 1
Episode 101

It's Valentine's Day!The perfect time for Richard & Fiona to explore the psychological side of love.
Season 1
Episode 100

Religion in Therapy
Almost half of the UK population consider themselves religious to some degree, whether that means they're a churchgoer or simply believe in a god.This week we chat with Kathy Spooner, CEO of The Association Of Christians in Counselling ...
Season 1
Episode 99

Learned Helplessness & Attribution Theory
In this week's episode of Therapy Natters, psychotherapists Richard Nicholls and Fiona Biddle dive deep into the concept of learned helplessness and attributions. They discuss how various facets such as ability, effort, task diffic...
Season 1
Episode 98

Art Therapy
This week Richard & Fiona are nattering with Art Psychotherapist Lyni Sargent about the therapeutic benefits of making Art.https://www.instagram.com/starleng/
Season 1
Episode 97

The Big 5 Personality Traits
In this episode of Therapy Natters, join Richard & Fiona as they explore the influential psychological theory of OCEAN – the Big Five Personality Traits of Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism – to gain ...
Season 1
Episode 96

In this episode, hosts Richard Nicholls and Fiona Biddle speak with Dr. Rebecca Berman, a pain consultant with the NHS, to help explain the influence of perception and emotion on pain, the potential impacts of psychological trauma on pain exper...
Season 1
Episode 95

In this week's episode Richard Nicholls and Fiona Biddle explore the complex emotions of guilt and shame.
Season 1
Episode 94

This week Richard & Fiona have a returning guest, Sharon Mustard, to talk with them about how our psychology can easily get in the way of a better birthing experience.https://www.easibirthing.c...
Season 1
Episode 93

In this week's episode of Therapy Natters, Richard and Fiona dive deep into the topic of narcissism, specifically Narcissistic Personality Disorder, to distinguish between that and simply high self-esteem and assertiveness.
Season 1
Episode 92

Food & Body Image
In this episode, Richard & Fiona are joined by hypno-psychotherapist Carlie Fairbrother to discuss food relationships, body image, and intuitive eating.https://cheshiretherapyroom.com/
Season 1
Episode 91

Cognitive Distortions
This week Richard & Fiona talk all about Cognitive Distortions, the thinking traps that we all fall into that can so easily spoil our lives or at best hold us back.
Season 1
Episode 90

Exploring Diversity
In this week's episode of the Therapy Natters podcast, Richard & Fiona engage in a thought-provoking dialogue with special guest Zayna Brookhouse, a specialist in equality, diversity, and inclusion. The conversation spans a wid...
Season 1
Episode 89

In this episode of Therapy Natters, psychotherapists Richard Nicholls and Fiona Biddle discuss the concept of attachment theory. They explore how our early experiences with caregivers can shape our interactions and reactions as adults, whether ...
Season 1
Episode 88

Buddhism & Unconditional Friendliness
It's guest week.Richard & Fiona have an old friend Bill Hard to join them this week to talk about his Buddhist experiences.https://www.dayandnighttherapy.com/bill-hard/...
Season 1
Episode 87

Being A Therapist
This week we're answering a listener question about what being a full-time therapist is actually like.The pros, the cons and everything in-between.
Season 1
Episode 86

This week Richard and Fiona are joined by psychotherapist Shaun Brookhouse to natter about the complexity of forgiveness, its relation to accountability, repentance and the concept of accepting imperfections.shaunbrookhouse.com
Season 1
Episode 85